Monday, November 28, 2011

A new direction!

Hello!!! *Waving hands like crazy*

So, as I have mentioned in my last few posts, I have been feeling VERY uninspired lately.  The posts that I HAVE managed to get done, is solely out of guilt, as I have had comments asking when I'm going to post or how people miss reading the blog.  I'm SORRY!!!  This blog has been EXTREMELY fun for me, for the most part!  I love finding shoes (or other fashion deals) and sharing them with all of my readers (some of who have become friends)!  However, lack of "awe-inspiring" shoes lately, combined with the fact that as much as I try to be "fashion forward"......I can't change the fact that I live in NH (well, I can, but my kids are here, & I can't COMFORTABLY afford to move....yet) and NH is most definitely not a State known for fashion.  

As much as I looooove my shoes, its hard buying them & having to go into my closet to admire them.  I go out typically once a week....I STILL have shoes I have not worn, and I haven't bought new ones in months.  I have tried "dressing up" (aka: nice jeans, nice shirt, & heels) to run errands, and get crazy looks for it.  I know, I know...I shouldn't care what other people think.  However, I don't think heels for the grocery store, or laundry is needed, and as much as I'd like to wear heels for these things, its much more practical to throw on my sneakers/(fake) UGGs.  

This brings me to my "new direction" for the blog!  

I am giving fair warning.....the blog will still focus on shoes/fashion/deals/etc, HOWEVER, I may also blog about books, DIY hair/makeup tips for cheap, and any misc random "daily life" things that I feel like discussing.  If you are not interested in these new things, THANK YOU so much for being a reader of this blog.  I will be sad to not have you as a reader anymore, however, I do understand!  :)

One thing I WILL try to do, is a "Shoe of the Day" post.  It could be a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes that we can all admire from afar (well, maybe some of you lucky ladies can afford, but not me), it may be an UGLY pair that I just have to share, it may be a very cute, affordable pair.  Whatever catches my eye on any particular day!

Anyways!  Just wanted to get this out there!  I'll do my 1st Shoe of the Day post either later today (I MUST do laundry today....lots of laundry), or tomorrow!  Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!!

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