Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Outfit: Look for Less

Ok, so Randi (@rjohnson355 on Twitter) challenged me to take the outfit from Shoe of the Day #12 & recreate it in a more budget friendly version.  I thought....Pssh, easy-peasy.  Um, wrong.  Do you know how hard it is to find an affordable,  PRETTY green cardigan (instead of the lime green ones) that is IN stock?!?!  Not easy.

This is the outfit that I was challenged to recreate. The cost of this outfit is: $303...NOT including the cardigan, handbag, and ring, as those are "sold out" and the price was not listed.  Being on the optimistic side, I'd guess the cardigan to go for (aprox.) $19.99, the ring (aprox.) $10.99, & handbag (aprox.) $35.00.  This would bring the total to $368.98.

Here's what I came up with to get the look for less:

Ok, I switched the main color to white, instead of green, for two reasons:  1~ like I said, a green cardigan is relatively hard to find in stock for a good price, and 2~ White is more can throw another color under it, mix up the shoes and/or other accessories & have a whole different outfit!  "My" outfit totals:  $166.92!!  That's a savings of $192.06!  You could get a whole second outfit with the savings!  :)

Here's the breakdown:  Cardigan, WalMart $15.  Blouse, Old Navy $26.94.  Jeans, Old Navy $39.94.  Handbag, ShoeDazzle $39.95.  Necklace, Jewelry Queen $3.11.  Ring, Overstock Jeweler $16.99.  Shoes, Amazon $24.99.

To make it even less expensive, you can do a simple green tank, instead of the blouse.  The one below is only $9.00 at Target, and comes in a variety of colors!

**Also, right now at Old Navy, they're offering up to 50% off and FREE shipping online.  Up to 75% off in stores!  So, you could possibly cut the price of the blouse and jeans in HALF (or more!).  If you aren't a ShoeDazzle member already, when you join, your 1st item is 20% off, so you could get the bag for $31.96.

So, what do you think?  How'd I do?!?!  I'd love to hear feedback.

Don't forget to Follow me on Twitter, or find me on Facebook!  :)

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