Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What I Am Wearing

The beauty about having shoes that have fabric in the upper, is that if the fabric is relatively mild (such as this flannel is), then they are quite easy to compliment most things. A tweed on the other hand, might prove a bit trickier. As it comes into the cold and wet season, I will not be able to break these bad boys out as much as I would like to, but I can at least look forward to those wonderfully winter days where the sun is shining and it's below freezing. While my toes might get gangrene from the cold, I won't have to worry about the rain from damaging the flannel..... While this shoe won't be in my first collection, nor any for that matter as it was not made by my factory, I promise that for the future, as I spend more time in the industry, I will somehow incorporate something of this nature either into a collection or on an MTO basis. Because I know that I am not the only one who enjoys a bit of fabric in their shoes...   

Shoes: Designed by me, made on the DG 70 last, with the deco finishing at the G&G factory.
Coat: Burberry
Trousers: H&M
Undershirt: Primark
Jumper: Some Neapolitan brand
Tie: Salvatore Ferragamo
Scarf: Was gift so I don't know..

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