Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

 Happy New Year everyone!!! Hope all your wishes come true in 2012 !!

Happy New Year!!

Another year has come and passed, I had a great 2011 and I hope you all did too! Here's to an even better 2012!!

I used Barry M Blueberry Ice Cream as a base and black acrylic paint for the writing. The underline is GOSH Metallic Purple.


Beauty Tips for Young Girls

Perfect attractiveness is an difficult idea, but if you can experience much better about yourself by increasing your looks, you may find more joy in your everyday life. Cosmetics and outfits is a challenge for many young women.

Mineral makeup is the latest cutting-edge in ladies makeup. Most nutrient makeup is safe for susceptible epidermis. It gives a natural “care skin” appearance while evening out epidermis and covering up acne and imperfections.

Many ladies deal with dry epidermis at some time during the year (usually winter). There are simple attractiveness advice you can adhere to to decrease the impacts dry epidermis such as enjoying a lot of water, prevent over-washing and taking supplement E. Having crystal clear, moisturized, radiant epidermis is a typical objective among many ladies.

Beautiful hands and fingers and claw care begin with fundamentals, and not having raggy, swelling cuticles is a major phase in having look good hands and fingers. Nail-biting usually begins in beginning youth as a child with some individuals never outgrowing it, while others only come back to an previously to nail-biting in periods of tension. Nailbiting may outcome in the carry of microorganisms that are hidden under the exterior of the claw that are challenging to clear and simple to get in the lips. About 50% of kids between the age range of 10 and 18 attack their claws at once or another.

Young Girl Hair styles – Back to School Look 2012

Going rear to university is one of the interesting moment at some point of almost every young lady. Generating excellent impact towards the trainer and her friends is usually what places to thoughts. Nothing can be improved with the eye and look. But with locks there are a lot of versions that can be done to venture one aspect of her character.

The following are the different locks styles that will fit completely for you.

1. Extensive and Reduce locks styles for girls
Celebrities like Miley cyrus Cyrus, Elizabeth Underwood and Vannesa Hudgens are now establishing the pattern of having ultra-long locks styles. These three women usually have their locks designed in a loose, long, and ugly. However, for unique occasions the best hair do is to have the uppermost pieces of the locks pinned up to be able to have an unswept look. To boost the waves, you should scrunch the locks while blow drying the locks.

2. Shorter locks styles for girls
Rihanna has began to popularize short locks styles this season. Such locks styles will create your little women take a position out without even looking boyish. Shorter locks styles such as herbs and padded bob will be a brief hit. A lof of women beloved the short bob especially those who have lean locks. This hair do will offer level and amount to the locks which makes it look larger. For those who have game appearance people, having a hair do in moderate duration is suggested. For those women who do not want to invest time keeping the locks, selecting short locks styles will fit them better.

3. Up Do locks styles for girls
It might create a notion that up dos are just for proper situation. In fact, up dos are not. You can still look a typical young lady going to university with an up do. It is more of selecting what difference or design that you like best and characterize more of your character. Sporting a unpleasant up do like a braid or even as easy as a ponytail is excellent for your daily way of life. Jennifer Produce is one of the many celebs who still look beautfiul dressed in a ponytail. It is more of how you designed up your ponytail that will create you look excellent or not. To provide you a extraordinary look, you is through having a side-swept design ponytail.

Whether your locks is short, moderate duration or long, the decision is definitely yours on what hair do to use in going rear to university. The the main thing is looking at your best with less attempt.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Red Hair and Freckles

Red Hair and Freckles
Red Hair and Freckles
Red Hair and Freckles
Red Hair and Freckles
Red Hair and Freckles
Red Hair and Freckles

2011 - 2012 Hair Shows

2011 - 2012 Hair Shows
2011 - 2012 Hair Shows
2011 - 2012 Hair Shows
2011 - 2012 Hair Shows
2011 - 2012 Hair Shows
2011 - 2012 Hair Shows


Stamping Plate: Red Angel RA106*
Base Colour: Barry M Indigo
Stamp Colour: Barry M Lilac Foil
Top Coat of NYC


2012 Kids Hairstyles For Girl

2012 Kids Hairstyles For Girl
2012 Kids Hairstyles For Girl
2012 Kids Hairstyles For Girl
2012 Kids Hairstyles For Girl

2012 Kids Hairstyles For Boys

2012 Kids Hairstyles For Boys
2012 Kids Hairstyles For Boys
2012 Kids Hairstyles For Boys
2012 Kids Hairstyles For Boys

Shoes Of The Week - Crockett & Jones Boot

It's funny because the last time I was in Spain, working out my prototypes, I was thinking of the different combinations of colors/materials to use on my balmoral boots and a medium brown paired with a snuff suede was precisely what I had in mind, until I saw these boots by Crockett & Jones..... While my boot is quite different, aesthetically in shape and pattern, and using similar colors is by no means copying, being the weird individual that I am, I am now having second thoughts about using these colors as I do not want have something that is too similar to someone else's shoe/boot. At least not for my first collection....but then again, I have a couple of months to think about it and when my prototypes are all finalized, I am planning on giving all of you a chance to influence the different color options that my shoes will come in.

But anyway, back to the subject at hand. When I saw these, I was pleased nonetheless, not only because I like them and enjoy shining shoes that I like, but also because these shoes come from an individual that appreciates nice shoes and it always makes me happy to meet people like this. This is already the second pair of his that I have put on the blog and am sure that there will be more to come...

I won't be posting until at least Sunday, so I wanted to wish all of you not only a fantastic weekend but a wonderful New Years!! Enjoy the festivities......and until 2012!


Justin, "The Shoe Snob"

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Korean Hairstyles For Women

2012 Korean Hairstyles For Women

2012 Korean Hairstyles For Women
2012 Korean Hairstyles For Women

It's All In The Detail

Picture Courtesy Of: Moda Image

One of my dear blog readers, who frequents London as business calls, just happen to pop in today for an updated chat on life, shoes and the future of my career. Because he happened to visit me in the flesh, I showed him the pictures (via my camera phone) that I have of my upcoming collection. The pictures show what is current with my prototype production, but we still have a month or so before they are complete. Nevertheless, he was able to get an idea of my collection to come and a feeling of how it differs from others while at the same time provides a feeling of familiarity: 'classicr with a twist.'

We discussed that in a saturated market, where everything under the sun has already been done, the one thing that differentiates one another, is the minute detailing. That being, when I saw these loafers (above), by Aubercy, they immediately stood out to me. Granted, some people would not appreciate this. But for someone like me who has seen 10 million different pairs of shoes is his life and purposefully looks at them, this would have just been another loafer (of a trillion) in calf and suede, had it not that the red stitching. But because it does have this contrasted stitching, it no longer is one of a trillion, it becomes one of one (or maybe 2 or 3 etc). It stands out and makes me stop and say, "now there is something different, something worth pausing to give a double-take."

And this is what I hope to do for all of you. To give you something that stands out, not in an loud or ostentatious way, but in a way that is discreet yet noticeable. A way that says that you, the wearer, appreciate your shoes and the small details in life, the little ones that make us stand out from the crowd....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

EOTD: FrontCover Moondust Collection

It's been months since I posted an EOTD but with it being Christmas and me being a beauty obsessed blogger, it was inevitable that I'd pick up some amazing new make-up this week!

These pigments are from a gift set that I bought in the Boots sale on boxing day. I always look forward to Boots' Christmas sale because I know I'll be able to find some absolute bargains on the FrontCover sets. This year, I'd already decided that I wanted the Moondust set and I picked it up for half price at £8.

I normally steer well clear of loose pigments because I hate the fallout and the way the shimmer always seems to end up all over my face, hands and clothes! But these were too beautiful to leave on the shelf and I'm so glad I took the plunge!

I used Saddle brown on the outer half of my lid, then blended Lime Lime into the inner corner and underneath. Then I used Burnt Carrot on the outer edge and underneath my lower lashes.
The eyeliner is E.L.F's Cream Eyeliner in black and the eyelashes are some cheapies I found in my lashbox!


Outfit: Look for Less

Ok, so Randi (@rjohnson355 on Twitter) challenged me to take the outfit from Shoe of the Day #12 & recreate it in a more budget friendly version.  I thought....Pssh, easy-peasy.  Um, wrong.  Do you know how hard it is to find an affordable,  PRETTY green cardigan (instead of the lime green ones) that is IN stock?!?!  Not easy.

This is the outfit that I was challenged to recreate. The cost of this outfit is: $303...NOT including the cardigan, handbag, and ring, as those are "sold out" and the price was not listed.  Being on the optimistic side, I'd guess the cardigan to go for (aprox.) $19.99, the ring (aprox.) $10.99, & handbag (aprox.) $35.00.  This would bring the total to $368.98.

Here's what I came up with to get the look for less:

Ok, I switched the main color to white, instead of green, for two reasons:  1~ like I said, a green cardigan is relatively hard to find in stock for a good price, and 2~ White is more can throw another color under it, mix up the shoes and/or other accessories & have a whole different outfit!  "My" outfit totals:  $166.92!!  That's a savings of $192.06!  You could get a whole second outfit with the savings!  :)

Here's the breakdown:  Cardigan, WalMart $15.  Blouse, Old Navy $26.94.  Jeans, Old Navy $39.94.  Handbag, ShoeDazzle $39.95.  Necklace, Jewelry Queen $3.11.  Ring, Overstock Jeweler $16.99.  Shoes, Amazon $24.99.

To make it even less expensive, you can do a simple green tank, instead of the blouse.  The one below is only $9.00 at Target, and comes in a variety of colors!

**Also, right now at Old Navy, they're offering up to 50% off and FREE shipping online.  Up to 75% off in stores!  So, you could possibly cut the price of the blouse and jeans in HALF (or more!).  If you aren't a ShoeDazzle member already, when you join, your 1st item is 20% off, so you could get the bag for $31.96.

So, what do you think?  How'd I do?!?!  I'd love to hear feedback.

Don't forget to Follow me on Twitter, or find me on Facebook!  :)

What I Am Wearing

It's been quite a lovely Fall/Winter season here in London, weather-wise, which has allowed me to wear things that would be otherwise saved for the Spring/Summer, such as this light gray Prince of Wales (POW) suit. While I think that I have only been able to wear it once (as it was just recently completed), I am eagerly awaiting the warmer weather to be able to flaunt it's beauty. I had always wanted a POW suit and now that I finally have one, I am excited to see all of the wonderful combinations that I can create with it. Here, unfortunately, I went the boring route with my black loafers, as even though the weather might have been relatively nice, you just never know when it might start raining. And to take a chance with my shoes, for me, is just a no-no. But as soon as Spring comes, you can bet that the browns, blues, suedes and tans will be the only shoes that I will be pairing with this suit....

Shoes: Miro by Septieme Largeur
Suit: Old bespoke, altered for me by Chittleborough & Morgan
Shirt: Can't remember, but not Primark this time...from TK Maxx (in US = TJ Maxx)
Tie: Either XMI or Ike Behar