Monday, December 5, 2011

Shoe of the Day #3

Today's shoe.....well, just kills me to say, I HATE it.  Anyone who has been reading this blog for awhile, knows I LOOOOOOVE Louboutin.  LOVE.  That said, I do not know what on Earth he was thinking when he designed this shoe.
Alex Lion Paw Pumps, $4,995!!

The "Alex Lion Paw Pumps" are not only UGLY, they also come with the ridiculous price tag of $4,995!  I'm sorry, but I wouldn't wear them if he paid me $4,995!  Ok, well, I probably would, but still.  They're ugly.  I don't care how "fashion forward" he is trying to be.  These shoes look ridiculous, even on "Fashionistas" such as Blake Lively, and Sarah Jessica Parker.

Blake wearing Alex
Close up of Blake's "Paws"
SJP with her "Paws"
That is really all I can say on today's shoe.  Ugly and overpriced.  Sorry, Loub, you missed the mark on this one.  :(  This however, is MY opinion.  What is yours?  I'd love to hear thoughts on this shoe!

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**As always, ALL images are found via Google Search, unless specified that they are mine.

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